The past few days have been a crazy whirlwind of events! There has recently been a big scandal at my Uni about program cuts, including nursing, sociology and some languages and other. These cuts would lay off current staff and eliminate the programs for future students, though current students could continue in the program. Needless to say, the entire University has been in an uproar since this was reveal. An article about it got published in the local paper a few days ago, and the campus sprang to arms- groups quickly formed to help save the programs on Facebook and around the campus. I began to see fliers everywhere screaming "CUTS CUTS CUTS!"
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The Protest! |
The protesters marched around the campus to the University court, where they will be making the decision. I haven't heard any word yet about what has happened as I've been traveling, but with such a strong student and staff response, I think the University will retract the proposal. They even marched right pas my window, the line seemed to go on forever. And loads of people were in the march- I even saw the Communist and Socialist parties go by... As I don't have my computer here, I can't upload pictures or video yet, but I will soon! (tadaa here's a bit of video of the protest)
Now though, I'm in Prague! Or Praha as it's called here. I had a ridiculously early start, getting up Thursday morning at 2:45am to JUST catch the 4:30am bus in the city center to the Prestwick Airport (I had to walk into the city to get the bus, and there were several people still awake from last night). From Glasgow Prestwick Airport I flew to London, where I had a 5 hour layover. It's amazing just how many shops and restaurants you can fit in airport. Since I had time though, I think I may have covered them all... I also had like 6 small meals yesterday. It's amazing what waking up a 3am will do to you. But, almond croissants are delicious, just so you know!
Finally it was time for my flight to Prague, only an hour and half long, though you jump ahead an hour to get on Prague time. Flying is one of my favorite things about traveling. You are so high above the clouds that the sun is brilliant, blinding even. Looking out my window, I couldn't tell if there where mounds of snow below me, or still more clouds. I thought it must surely be snow because it seemed so solid and hard. Shadows were even cast upon it by clouds above, hard and dark. and yet, as we descended, the snow became softer and softer until we passed through the once-solid boundary into the realm below. Suddenly the entire scene changes to become gray and foggy as we landed in Prague.
The airport signs were in Czech and then English, and suddenly I had to find my way around and change my money in Czech korunas. Luckily, my directions to the hostel were easy to follow as the public transportation system is great, only around 1 euro for 75 minutes of travel using the buses, trams and metro. I even met some guys on the bus, one from France, one from Iraq who were living in Prague and they helped me find the hostel. It's amazing how caring people can be. The same thing happened to me when I first arrived in Glasgow, people seem to be worried about a young American girl who has never been to this city before, and just helped me, to the point of walking me to the hostel door.
The hostel I'm staying at is called the Art Hole, and is nice- funky painting and artsy decorations all over the walls and furniture. Very clean and comfortable, and the staff is nice. I awkwardly got dinner alone in an Italian pizza place, and then meandered around the city, checking out the Palladium, a huge five-story shopping mall before heading back to the hostel.
One thing I love about hostels is you get to meet people from all over, so now I'm friends with a group of students from Brazil who just finished studying in Portugal! We all went out together to a Czech bar and tried the local beer, they have crazy flavors including ones with Chocolate, Carmel, Raspberry and Blueberry! Today I will actually get to explore the city, and my friend from McDaniel, Autumn, who is studying in Barcelona, is coming in a few minutes! So we get to meet up and explore together! Can't wait!
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